Beth Wooters

My name is Beth Wooters and my defining characteristic seems to be that I am always laughing.
Born and raised in a Wesleyan Pastor’s home, I have always been surrounded by different kinds of ministry opportunities and it was always amazing for me to see all the different ways that God can call us to minister. We don’t all have to be pastors, but we are all called to minister in some way.
Looking back over my life I know that High School and College was the most pivotal times in my life when I made a lot of decisions about who I was going to be and what I was going to do with my life. There have been times since then when I have had to make some big decisions but I know that how I grew and developed in High School and College helped me to be able to make the choices that I did and to be able to see how God was working in my life; because of my own personal experiences in that stage my heart is for Youth and Young adult ministry. Whether in the untraditional form of ministry like camp ministry or in the more traditional ministry of Youth Leader, my desire is to be able to invest in the lives of teens and to help them know that God is real and relevant and that He always has a plan for them.
I have held some form of youth ministry position for the last 10 years and I am still in love with it. I am also working at CVS Pharmacy and am currently working on a masters’ degree in Child, Youth and Family Ministry from Wesley Seminary. When I am not working on one of those or chasing down teenagers I am either reading a C.S. Lewis book, watching an old Disney movie, eating pasta, or going on a hike (I especially love to climb waterfalls) and I try to always do that with a friend or family member around.


I can be reached at


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